Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mounting VFS Folders (SVN 0.53)

Mounting VFS Folders works but what is even more cool is that the drives appear like windows drives so for example: I did not have to change a single path in my test file to test VFS browsing on the simulator. So for example C:\xec\ works also on the handheld using the first VFS slot (most devices have a single VFS slot) and mapping it to the C drive. This makes it easy for me to transition between the two platforms (Windows & PalmOS).

So what's next? First I need to make sure that read/write VFS files works on the handheld and then I need to figure out how I will blit the bitmaps to the offscreen buffer.

I have alot more work. The next biggest problem I can see on the horizon is dealing with launching Screens apps. Both for the launching and making it easy for them to call back into the kernel. I hope I can find a solution that is easy not only to write but to compile.

Another issue, I am having problems with the offscreen buffer which is some of the simulators is treating my bitmaps as low density. I spent a few good hours trying different calls but with no avail. I have decided to focus on improving the platform independent code and then returning to focus on the platform dependent code. This means that my current target device will be the LifeDrive.

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