Thursday, April 26, 2007

Alpha Demo 4

Hi, I have been busy since last night and I give you the 4th alpha demo here at the following link: The demo will show 4 windows which you can choose any window (by its title) and drag them around. I have disabled dragging animation on purpose because of the slow speed. When I make Safire a dll, I can re-enable the animation which will probably be in the next demo. You can tap on a window to bring it to the front. From a development point of view, I have updated the UIElement class to support pen input and the UIWindow class which is derived from UIElement deals with the dragging of the window. As you can see progress is much more visible now and I am thrilled with the progress in these last few days. The slow speed of the demo is because of constant module launching. While the speed did improve because the kernel is a dll, its now slower because I do much more Safire calls which means a constant module launch for each Safire call. Once I make Safire a dll, the speed will suddenly come back. I hope I can do this soon so that we can put the speed bumps behind us and focus on some good functionality. Remember that the reason that there is no text is because I still have not decided which text engine I want to use for Screens... Remember my first demo back in 2002, I feel like I done a full circle but with the addition of object oriented storage and color ;)

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