Saturday, December 10, 2005

Update - Should start UIDraw soon

First of all I have updated the source code: I decided to skip the Copy function for the moment and do the more simple work but repetative which includes the KernelFolder, KernelFile and KernelProperty components which are self explanatory. At the beggining I am coding everything into the kernel however after the alpha I will start moving things outside the kernel like the drawing driver, UI and windowing to test performance. I have by user request going to focus for the alpha more on the UI aspects and less on the thread execution model. This doesn't mean much apart from you will get more UI in the alpha than otherwise would of been if I had to implement the thread component. It will probably be better this way since I will visually able to test the thread and module support. Just to remind you that the source code will be updated as time goes by but I will not release the source code of the shell untill the beta stage. If you want the alpha when its released, just add me as your MSN Messenger contact and you will be dropped into the Screens user group. I will be emailing all the users in the MSN user list of the alpha and where to get it. So if you want to get your hands on the first demo as quick as possible... join now ;) KernelFolder, KernelFile and KernelProperty I should finish in a few days. Then follows KernelModule which basicly allows to load a module by its key and allows me to tweak pre-loading and other stuff without affecting the basic call model. Because everything is any way going to be inside the kernel at the beggining, its more of a place-holder... so it wont do anything.

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