Sunday, December 04, 2005

Update - Nearly there

Hi Guys, 3/5 of the object storage functions have been coded with two left: KernelObjectMove and KernelObjectCopy. This is great news for me, since it basicly means that the object storage is only lacking moving and copying of objects with the copying the harder function. Once I finish these functions, I review the code and start coding the drawing functions so hopefully I will do something to give you all some aspect that Screens is working. I'll update the source code when I finish the functions. Thank you all for the warm comments, Zakai Hamilton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! :-)
Could you possibly tell, how to compile the source code? I could open it in PODS, but than... Run doesn't really work for me. Or do I have to compile it somehow in a C++ compiler? I'm not a great desktop-handheld delevoper...:-)