Here you go, A list of links to how real Screens was at least before I went deep into details only ;) These are hosted on my old web-site so remember to do Save As... Old Demos: http://www.geocities.com/zhamilton1/ScreensOS.zip
When I mean old, I mean realy old around 2002. I made them at the beggining and figured out that I wanted to go full fledged and go the way of a kernel creation which I didn't know means that I'll be late for more than 3 years for a release.
Old Screenshots collection: http://www.geocities.com/zhamilton1/MyPictures.zip
I made alot of mockups as time goes by creating new designs, changing colors adding ideas and so on. The current design has no screenshot but has a combination of a widget bar at the bottom (like this: http://www.geocities.com/zhamilton1/SL-5-15a-6.gif ) with the popup 'slider' design (like this: http://www.geocities.com/zhamilton1/SL-4-5c.bmp ). The colors are more like this: http://www.geocities.com/zhamilton1/Objects.jpg
Hopefully this should show some of you where Screens has been through and a bit of where it will go. I have quite a few good UI ideas fitted in those screenshots here and there. I played around with colors constantly... it went from blue to purple to green to white. Enjoy!
Thanks, thats what I was looking for. Those screenshots are great, just making me look forward to the next beta even more.
This project is genial! I hope you will release a pre version soon, so that we can try it out!
Yeah the project is great, can wait to see the beta version.Although maybe is like a launcher but it can be a best launcher open source will be
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