Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thinking about things

You know... I have been thinking alot about what is Screens Environment's main point and my conclusion is actually the object store. Think about it... There have been and will be releases of applications that provide frameworks or launching/file manager capabilites but there still has been no application that allows you to sort & manage all your information from a single location. This includes files, appointments, databases, contacts, memos, pictures, preferences and any custom information by 3rd party plug-ins. Think about it for a second what I am trying to accomplish... One location where you will be able to view and edit your information from a single location and make references from one data to another easily. This is a hard task which requires answering of many questions and I think that so far... I have solved a great amount of them. Screens is going to be spatial browser so every item in your collection has a window with a position, size, color and so on. This experience on a small screen might sound not very usefull which is why all windows are full-screen BUT give you the ability to move them around if you want to. Yes... Its a hard thing to do and I have been going round in circles for the last 3 years refining the design again and again... but its needed to do this right. I only have one chance to do this right... so why not take my time. It could be that many of you are angry or frustrated for this vaporware while others might have some faith in me but IF I do get this project done... It will realy make a difference I feel in the PalmOS world. Well... I guess we will just have to wait...

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