Monday, December 17, 2007


Still going strong... After talking with some of my chat friends, I am starting to work on the File Storage components. FSDevice, FSFolder and FSFile are the abstract components that I am writing which are placeholder components for the platform dependent file API's.

What's nice is that I will be able to give the same interface to PalmOS RAM (where pdb/prc are folders and the records are files) and the VFS (which has the folder/file design anyway) systems. This will extend to FTP or any other design that supports the folder hierarchy and file stream design. You as a user/programmer wont have to care what the storage the folder/file is from, since it has a unified API.

Each file platform only needs to derive a new component from FSDevice, not from FSFolder and FSFile. This is because I use message bubbling (I must find a better name) to find the device of a folder/file by using the object hierarchy. This means that you can do nesting where a file can exist in a zip compressed file where they both have the same interface. And because it really is a little amount of code, it makes it practical to apply to many ideas.

Hope to finish soon ;)

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