Saturday, December 15, 2007


Things are going really well. I have form moving and button tapping and I am thinking what widget should be next.

I am going for simplicity at first, and in later builds once I have a comfortable model add some 'graphics' to the mix. So when you get the alpha build, please judge it by its functionality and not by its graphics. I can always 'paste' bitmaps on widgets, so let's go for the functionality first, visual style second.

I don't know when the next alpha will be, but I do want it to do 'something' other than movable windows, maybe the slider control and get feedback on that. Any ideas?

I still have a long way ahead of me but I have really enjoyed the last two weeks. Writing a new component is actually fun now that its very streamlined. Most of the components look the same and in the code feel the same which helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a interactive version of your 1src avtitar?