Sunday, December 09, 2007


Finally things are going well...

Thanks to some lovely users in my Windows Messenger Live Group, I have been given a direction to follow to get Screens out as quickly but cleanly as possible.

I know that PalmOS is going through a rough time and I don't want Screens to miss the boat flood.

I am very happy with the new design and I am already coding the form component to display windows. I already have most of my UI design done and my favorite is the new way to write a component like this:

   1: /* in header file */
   2: typedef UIWindow UIForm;
   4: UIForm * UIFormNew();
   6: /* in source file */
   8: typedef struct {
   9:     byte Title[UI_TITLE_LENGTH];
  10:     color TitleBackgroundColor;
  11: } form_info;
  13: obj_component(UIForm, UIWindow) {
  14:     obj_method("CoreObjectInit", FormInit);
  15:     obj_method("UIElementDraw", FormDraw);
  16:     obj_type(form_info);
  17: }

I found it very easy to write components, overloading methods at run-time with a single line and while it might not be the easiest to understand, it does the job quickly and efficiently.

I am working as hard as I can to get the alpha demo back up and running. This time I expect to be able to not only move windows around, but hopefully a bit of the slider and system bar as well, so I can get some feedback so finally some of you users can help if you want to.

Wish me luck!

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