Friday, October 22, 2004

Update - Were on the way

Ready, Set, Go... we are on our way. Coding has started. I have already finished two functions of the data component and should finish the rest of them by next week. The perspectives are better than I thought and by making differences between the internal API, private API and public API it allows the internals to be completely covered (developers can only use public API's). The next component: List List takes a data allocation (from the data component) and allows to create an array of fixed structures. This is used to make the relationship lists, object lists and so on. This is a private component and therefore has no public API. You will start seeing 'effect demos' when I finish the core (since the component after that is the layers component). One of my favourite effects will be when a layer is updated/shown/hidden it will not just update the display but transparently appearing forward while the old layer state transparently fading to the background. This will be great for transistions between panels and showing/hiding windows. The effect will be disabled on devices that are not color (grayscale) or that it's too slow. Note that all animations get cut down by the speed of the device. This means that the effects will hardly ever slow down performance. The effect demos should show some things that Screens will able to do since the layers is the heart of the drawing design.

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