Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Well... What a week... My handheld hard-reset and corrupted my diary document (damn Documents To Go by DataViz) which means a few months of work down the drain and I now have to remember it all (or most of it). I have downloaded a new application for my handheld called 'Meteor' which has been very usefull so far in allowing me to structure my OS on the road. The storage and memory components have been merged into a single component called Data. It's been made as simple as possible with no stream IDs, just plain functions like new, free, read, write, size, resize, count, getbyindex and so on. I am still looking for users to help me via Windows Messanger ( So anyone at all (you dont need to be technical/programmer) who wants to help, send me a message. If you also want to help, you can post comments on each blog post you want to (by tapping on the comments number at the bottom of each blog post). Being married has realy helped the project, I am doing more work now then I ever did. I have at least a few hours a day I can concentrate on the more in depth problems. I am not coding blindly but catching every problem which flies my way while designing the API (it seems to catch most design problems). Once I have the data API coded it will be much easier to continue. Once the object API is coded then the party starts. So if you want to wait untill that stage... no problem ;)

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