Friday, April 08, 2011

Development in progress

You can find the latest code uploaded via SVN at:

I know that it looks like Screens is not moving anywhere, but there is an actual strategy involved even if it is taking a long time.

Let's recap:
2002-2008 = Wanted an application middleware, researching which programming model to use
2009-2011 = Figured out a new programming model: ComponentC programming model.

In the last half year I have spent time writing components.
The components separate for the first alpha into 3 parts:

1. Core
Core components is the basic core components of the system. CoreObject was the hardest component to write since it represented the programming model for Screens. The other core components were mostly easy.

2. File
This is where I am now. Writing components to parse files including xml using the component oriented model. I just finished a first draft of the file token parser which I will be using now for the xml component.

3. UI
This is the most exciting set of components (after CoreObject) that I want to write. I have had some years of researching drawing models (such as top down drawing) which I want to use in this middleware.

Once I finish these basic set of components, I can start making the more visual demos I made before. There are high and low points in any project. Here I am programming a strong foundation for later on. Once I finish the foundation I will able to move much faster in the alpha and beta releases.

I currently run the code in the iPhone simulator where it deals with multi-touch points, drawing a bitmap for each point while filling the screen with a gradient. As components come by I integrate them and check them in the demo. I think I will have some interesting things to show once I pass the second UI component set.

Because I tended to tell my ideas before implementing them, I am going the other route where I write something and then tell you about it.

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