Sunday, August 22, 2004

Double Design Direction

I am starting to feel like all these kernal programmer hobyists who feel like they are coding in the dark. This is not the way it's meant to be... I dont want to end up like all these 'dead' projects so I have decided to attack the problem directly. I will be coding from bottom to top (core to visual) like I have done untill now but at the same time code from top to bottom (visual to core). How is this possible? By seperating the graphics component from the object design it can be faster, bare-bones and allow me to make a 'mini-ui' to test the components that untill now have not been tested because I had nothing to test them on (walking in the dark). The graphics component (ScrDraw) and the text component (ScrText) will allow to draw directly to the display without any need of off-screen displays and the like. This seperation does not in any way remove the UI functionality that I want... actually it improves it by only making 'static' UI controls (buttons, lists and windows) using the layers component (based on the object component) while dynamic controls like progress bars, game views and animations using the draw component (no dependency). This will also allow me to finally give you all some visual progress on what's happening. I will able to post the 'testing' UI to show you all I am actually coding and not wasting my breath. How long? I have the system draw functions coded. I still have the text and generic functions like the mini-UI API but I should finish this by the end of the week. Then I can test the code of the first component (storage) and continue working on the memory component. I will publish the screenshots of the test UI as time goes by so just wait a bit more. I will be mixing between a CLI (Command line interface) and some graphical capabilities for the test user interface. This has nothing to do with the final UI and is for testing the core components only. If any of you have some ideas for the temporary UI post in the comments... I am always open for suggestions of any kind.

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